Tag Archives: 2812b

Christmas tree – Arduino Leds

Video: https://youtu.be/7wwv_Az_uWw

Actually this is a project which I started last year and was not able to finish it then.

Using WS2811 led lights (not strips) I thought about making a Christmas tree light being able to control every single led using an Arduino. This is actually very simple. For about 100 lights, I used a 10A power source just to be sure. Also next year I might add another 50 lights to it.

The best part about it is the programming. I found a lot of programs online. Took the nicest one, combined and tweaked them, and here is the result…

Fire lamp (final)

This is the continuation of http://blog.familie-fratila.de/fire-lamp/

Also posted it on Instructables:


After buying a normal lamp, just to take the “shell” of it, I had now all the parts I needed to build the final Fire Lamp.

I stripped the bought lamp of all inside electronics, and replaced it with my own. The glass of the lamp, gives it now pretty nice effect. Besides some tweaks and maybe more programs coded, I can say it is finished.